
The original artwork from 2016 for The Cursed Throne created by Yigit Koroglu - The Lohil and Eras monster.

I appreciate you, my followers, inquiring about the books and the album. We are small but strong. Know that I am thankful. Here are some updates, as regularly providing information on the status is beneficial. The progress meter on the homepage now handles part of this initiative. But additional insight is not a bad thing.

As of this writing, less than 10,000 words are left to edit for The Cursed Throne. That means The Blackened Prophecy book edits are almost complete and ready to be re-published as e-books and sent to print preview for the printed editions. To give context, The Blackened Prophecy and the compendium have over 330,000 words.

The edits do not change the story but introduce many fixes that were lacking. Grammatical, pacing, oddities, you name it. These types of fixes always happen in the book world. Thanks to digital books, it is easier to push the fixes. This means the updated e-books should be available at the end of September. Fixing print books is a bit more complicated because of the medium, so it takes a bit more time. After digital books, printed books will require having author copies first to verify everything is in order. Then, they will be available as well. I am expecting an end of October release window.

If all goes well, the compendium’s print and updated digital version will also be available in October. I will travel in November, so due to my hectic schedule, I likely will not achieve much, but good things are in order.

The Shadow War trilogy:

I have two chapters left to write in the first book of the Shadow War trilogy. Then, editing will begin. I hope to finish writing by mid-2025 or earlier. The other books will follow faster, as I spent all my summer editing The Blackened Prophecy, among other works.

The Eighth:

This is a standalone sci-fi book. It is still in the early stages of development. I have the story planned and mostly outlined, but I will continue working on polishing the outline before I start writing. I have already written the beginning and the ending, though. And I have also determined the setting and locations. I am currently working on the characters.

Demise of Hopes:

I have been willing to rewrite this novella for quite some time now since Rod’s passing (with whom we co-wrote the original). The original novella was a messy, fun project full of holes and issues. I want to create a refined version without changing the story, and I plan to do that soon as well. A mid-2025 release is in my target dates, but you never know.

Maegi III:

This is moving smoothly. As of this writing, only 1.5 songs remain to record their rhythm guitars. The bass and drums and some solos are done. I am happy with how it sounds so far.

Other Projects:

Some stuff is brewing. Stay tuned :)

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